
Donating Options

Please ensure to choose the correct donation link. Please contact us for any queries.

We request your patience with the details asked in the donation form as those are a legal requirements.

From Indian residents or organisations, 50% of donated amount can be deducted from taxable income.

For any contribution made by an individual or funding from any organisation outside of India, comes under FCRA.

Who can help

Any and every body, who value the importance of conservation, who value the basics of human rights can donate us for our various programs for donation please click the relevant donate button.

How we utilize the fund

We utilize the maximum part of the fund towards the cause or the work the fundraiser is done. We try to keep the institutional overhead to a minimum necessity level. Over the year, 85% of the fund raised from donations is utilized towards the cause.

Legal Status and Tax Exemption details

NMNC is registered under the Certificate of Registration of Societies, West Bengal Act XXVI of 1961. Registration number: SO140938 of 2006-2007

  1. NM-NC is recognized under Section 80G of the IT Act 1961 (No.ITBA/EXM/S/80G/2018-19/1015141093(1), dated 22nd February 2019) – where any Indian donor is entitled to claim deduction from their taxable income as applicable.
  2. NM-NC is also registered with the Ministry of Home Affairs, New Delhi to receive foreign contributions under the Foreign Contributions (Regulation) Act. (FCRA) (No.: 147121056 dated. 11th April 2017-Social.)
Purpose of donation
  • Wildlife Research
  • Human-leopard Co-existence planning in Northern West Bengal
  • Human Elephant Co-existence planning in West Bengal
  • Human- Wildlife Co-existence in Indian Sundarban
  • Habitat Restoration and Creation
  • Education and Public Outreach
  • Amphan Relief Fund
  • Institutional Support

Nature Mates aspires to develop an understanding of nature from all aspects and plan issue-based activities to develop a safe and healthy haven for humans and non-humans to co-exist with mutual respect.

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